On 26 November in Carmagnola (TO) we had the pleasure of taking part, together with Professor Carlo Alberto Sgoifo Rossi, in the second technical event on the theme “Innovative tools and production techniques to respond to the new challenges of the beef market” coordinated by the organization Asprocarne Piedmont.

An event that counted the presence of more than 80 breeders, interested in discovering the dietary role of sugars in the arrival phase and in the fattening of beef cattle.
During the evening a new liquid feed was presented, characterized by high percentages of glycerol and citrus molasses: the BULL8,designed specifically to improve the performance of the beef and the ruminal well-being.
Features confirmed by Prof. Sgoifo Rossi, who presented the preliminary results obtained with the use of the product in the test that is following on 256 bulls, which sees the partial replacement of the starchy component with BULL8
Our thanks go to all the participants and speakers for the beautiful evening spent together, for the lively debate and the great interest shown in the topics covered.